Program Concert

Goshawk Nest (part 1) & Goshawk Flight (part 2)
The first two works are by composer Cengiz Onural and symbolize the history of Logo, the beginnings and maturity, respectively.

Bogdan Dance
This musical theme pays tribute to Bogdan I, the founder of Moldova.

Buselik Peşrev
Buselik Peşrev is currently one of Cantemir’s most frequently performed works. “Peșrev” is a musical form that is performed at the beginning of a sequence of works within the same “makam” (mode). It is an instrumental piece, which is a rare thing, since the repertoire of classical Ottoman music is mostly voical music.

Sipihr Peşrev
The makam (mode) Sipihr has some unusual notes arising from unequal intervals of eastern music. This brings difficulties in terms of harmony and interpretation for a symphonic orchestra. It has been an old problem of oriental music, which remains unaddressed even today. With this piece, composer Cengiz Onural tries to bring some solutions in this regard.

Büzürk is a work by Dimitrie Cantemir, which composer Cengiz Onural adapted for the orchestra, with the aim of making it accessible even without oriental instruments.

The Spirit of 1700
This musical piece is a journey into the era of Dimitrie Cantemir, who was contemporary with Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) and Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741). To accomplish this work, the composer adapted, in D Major, a part of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto no. 5, the Largo parts of Vivaldi's Seasons, and Dimitrie Cantemir's Rast Peşrev.

Makam Bestenigar has changed entirely in ages. This work offers insight into the original version, to which the composer added a choral part, without altering the spirit of Cantemir's music. At the same time, the composer chose “terennüm” lyrics for the choir. In oriental music, this method involves introducing seemingly meaningless, yet coherent musical lyrics, in order to use the human voice.

Dimitrie Cantemir has two compositions in makam Muhayyer. Both have different original ideas in different movements, which composer Cengiz Onural reinterprets in his own note. The lyrics for the choir were added through a traditional (though rare) method, involving literal interpretation of musical notes and melodic structures. As a result, the lyrics describe what is sung, or may be considered to be “terennüm”, musical words with no meaning.

Sirto Fengari Bucharest
Sirto is a dance music in Anatolia, Greece and the Balkans, usually performed at weddings or other celebrations.